pdfToolbox offers powerful, dynamic and easy to integrate PDF processing, from quick visual inspection and fixing to fully unattended processing of thousands of files. Using rock-solid Adobe technology pdfToolbox provides checking and fixing of even very complex problems, color management, impositioning, conversion to and from PDF and more. pdfToolbox technology is used by small companies, large publishers and print providers as well as OEMs that integrate the technology in their own solution.
Why pdfToolbox Desktop?
Impose yourself – How about doing simple imposition tasks, such as making booklets or doing a step-and-repeat? The Switchboard in pdfToolbox Desktop seamlessly performs those easy imposition tasks; it can even split spreads into single pages before running that booklet action for you.
Avoid production errors – With pdfToolbox Desktop you can create your own preflight (quality control) rules or you can simply depend on any of the predefined profiles that come with the software. Many of those are based on international standards such as ISO PDF/X or the Ghent Workgroup specifications.
Identify and fix problems – For those PDF files that fail quality control, pdfToolbox Desktop provides unique visualizer technology that visually highlights the severity of problems such as ink coverage overruns, low-resolution images, incorrect separations and small text or line-art.
Spot the differences – Do you have multiple versions of a PDF file and you must know all differences between them? Or do you want to fix a PDF file by for example embedding a font but you want to be reassured that this won’t introduce unwanted changes to the PDF? pdfToolbox Desktop and its visual compare functionality come to the rescue!
Plug-in or standalone? – Regardless of what functionality you need, pdfToolbox Desktop lets you access it both inside of Adobe Acrobat Pro (where it lives as a plug-in) and as a standalone application.
Handle multiple files – While pdfToolbox Desktop is designed to examine and fix one file at a time, it does offer its batch mode for those situations where someone sends you a whole bunch of PDF documents.
Why Choose Apago as your pdfToolbox Reseller?
Apago is uniquely positioned to be able to solve complex workflow requirements. We have extensive experience with interfacing with CRM, databases, MIS and web services. Our extensive PDF technology allows us to do things other resellers simply can’t.